Services and Technical Support

For the customers to get the convenience of the products, if there is any error except user fault, during the time set, the company provides not only free servicing but also replacing with new equipment if necessary. The technical support unit demonstrates how to use and operate the equipment rightfully as needed for each product and then explains the service's policy for the warranty carefully, servicing repair, and calibration issues. The services center has been taking care of the products purchased from other vendors and us. We have given a services warranty as per the service's policy to all selling products. If anything happens within that service's warranty period, the company will provide free servicing except for user fault.


service center

Services Center

Services Center of Amigos International Co., Ltd in Yangon is a center built under experienced professional services engineers and youthful inquiring services engineers. In order not to cause fatal electric current, the center has built systematically to be EDC proof. To understand and follow the exact rules that must be followed and prevent unnecessary damages, delays, and equipment errors, the Services Engineers are sent to local and overseas training courses for HSE training and maintenance training.

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Services Center of Amigos International Co., Ltd is taking care of Calibration processes to check for the prolonged usage of the measuring equipment and keep the accuracy of measurement results. The purpose of Calibration is for the sake of the prolongation of the equipment and its measurement accuracy. Only then the measuring equipment can always keep up to the standards, offer full quality, and gain trust and priority from the businessmen.

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Technical Support

One unique characteristic of Amigos International Co., Ltd is that we do practical training for the products we have sold (not all) at the respective workplaces. We carefully demonstrate to the users from our Customer side how the equipment works, how to operate it, dos & don'ts, and maintenance methods for long-term usage. Only then the purchased items would not be a waste to have spent on and gain improvements in workplace performance that would equal up to the items' paid value. We also provide systematic installations by traveling physically to the customer's workplace to sophisticate system, massive structure, and intricate design equipment.

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